01736 731040
Duck Street, Mousehole,
Penzance TR19 6QW.
Interpreting Shakespeare - Antony & Cleopatra


13th November 2023 - 17th November 2023    
All Day

A week long study course with Andrew Hilton, founder of Bristol’s internationally known Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory Company.

Devised specifically for Shakespeare’s audience and readership, this course explore great Shakespeare texts using theatrical as well as academic approaches to interpretation.

‘a hugely informative and enjoyable week, facilitated by a skilled and knowledgeable tutor, and a great group of participants’
[King Lear, Mousehole 2016]

‘deepened my understanding of the texts and immeasurably increased my enjoyment of performances’
[Twelfth Night, University of Bristol 2021]

Booking and full details here.

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