01736 731040
Duck Street, Mousehole,
Penzance TR19 6QW.
Interpreting Shakespeare Course - A Winter's Tale


12th March 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

We are delighted that director, actor and playwright Andrew Hilton is running another Interpreting Shakespeare course at the Solomon Browne Hall. The course is aimed at Shakespeare’s adult readers and audience and will cover The Winter’s Tale.

📅Tuesday evenings, 20th February – 26th March

Andrew will take attendees through The Winter’s Tale, speech by speech, employing theatrical as well as academic perspectives to aid your understanding of Shakespeare’s language, techniques and preoccupations. Despite the theatrical emphasis, this is not an actors’ workshop, but is devised specifically for Shakespeare’s audience and readership. The sessions are relaxed, and very often fun!

Andrew has had a 50-year career as a professional actor and director after studying Shakespeare at Cambridge.
Feedback from previous courses:

‘hugely informative and enjoyable, facilitated by a skilled and knowledgeable tutor and organiser, and a great group of participants.’ [King Lear, Mousehole, 2016]

‘The course deepened my understanding of the text and immeasurably increased my enjoyment of performances’ [Twelfth Night, University of Bristol 2021]

The course costs £120 per person and there will be a maximum of 10 participants.

To reserve a place, or find out more information email apmhilton@gmail.com or visit www.andrewhilton.online

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