01736 731040
Duck Street, Mousehole,
Penzance TR19 6QW.


21st July 2021    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Negotiating our way through the village is currently fraught with challenges and is probably no fun for anyone. Finding a parking spot?.. maybe even less fun?

Can we, with our collective thinking caps on, come up with some ways to improve things to make it a pleasant and safe experience for us all?

If you have any thoughts about what we could do please come along.

Would residents parking help? A one-way system or making the village suitable for ‘disabled, deliveries and access only’?

Cornwall Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019.  Could we start the ball rolling in this little corner of the Duchy with some REAL measures that would improve all of our wellbeing and do our bit too towards hitting our Carbon Neutrality targets. (and maybe set an example and see if other areas can follow suit!)


You can also of course chat to me about any other issues after the meeting and can also contact me on my mobile or email at any time to discuss Council related concerns.

07702 704004 cllr.thalia.marrington@cornwall.gov.uk


COVID SAFETY MEASURES – The Solomon Browne Hall is a Covid-secure venue and will be well ventilated for this event. Please wear face coverings, unless you are exempt, to keep us all safe.


Thank you

Thalia Marrington, your Cornwall Councillor

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